
Thursday, January 19, 2012

7 Advantages of Social Media for your Business

 We are all now living in a 21st century, many different businesses emerged and each of them has it's own market. Most businesses today, create innovations, apply different strategies and approaches just to get the attention of their possible market. One approach that businessmen and women use today is Social Media like Facebook.

Facebook is very well known today, to teenagers (undergrad or grad), students, young professionals, professionals, senior citizens and even to youngsters. Did I miss an age? So, as you can see, any kind of possible market can be seen here in this kind of Social Media.

There's so many advantages that your business can get using this kind of approach:

  • More Market. As you can see, all of us now are getting hooked up to Facebook. Even a not so well-educated has an account. It can reach billions of people in a minute at a time in a hundreds of different places since it is link in the internet.
  • Easy to Advertise. Informing people about a business of yours is very hard especially when you need to convince them. Using Social Media, advertising is easy, just post the pictures that introduces your business and a quote that best suites it. Since, pictures are involved, colorful are needed to attract attentions of possible market.

  • Immediate response to Inquiries. Since it is in the world wide web, inquiries and responses are quick that means more inquiries, more market can be entertained. 
  • Flexible. Since your business can be advertise by you manually or by itself alone using Social Media. You can advertise anytime, anywhere.

  • Easy-to-Update. Market value are not constant, when the prices of your products changes, you don't need to meet your clients one by one just to let them know the price changed. You will just simply update your post and whoa! They are all updated!

  •  Affiliation. Social Media helps business owners have connections to their market that might probably a means of extending or branching out the business.
  •  Making a Difference. Since you are already affiliated to your market, branching out is a great idea. By doing this, you are making a difference to your market (a positive one) and to your business as well.
All the advantages I stated are things that Social Media can do and might help to bring your business grow abundantly.